The recent developments in the high-profile case involving drug dealer Lalit Patil have taken a new turn, with Pune Police taking decisive action against two officers involved in his escape. The Pune City Commissioner of Police, Amitesh Kumar, announced that two officers, Adesh Shivankar and Pirappa Bansode, have been permanently removed from duty. This comes after initial suspensions of some officers involved in the case.

A total of 15 individuals, including staff from Sassoon Hospital and police personnel, have been charged in connection with the case. The Pune Police Crime Branch has filed a 3,150-page charge sheet in court detailing the evidence against the accused.

The two dismissed police constables, Shivankar and Bansode, have been accused of aiding Lalit Patil in his escape from Sassoon Hospital. Patil had managed to flee after being taken to the hospital for treatment, causing chaos within the police force. It was revealed that the constables did not accompany Patil for his X-ray and failed to inform their senior officers and the control room about his escape promptly.

As a result of their negligence, both constables have been removed from government service. The investigation into the case continues as the police work to bring all those involved to justice.

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