The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has finally taken action to address the traffic woes in Koregaon Park by initiating the long-awaited demolition of the Sadhu Vaswani rail over bridge. The decision comes after persistent concerns from commuters and local residents over the ongoing diversions causing traffic snarls.

The PMC’s plan involves dismantling the existing bridge and replacing it with a new structure, a process that is expected to take at least one-and-a-half years to complete. During this time, traffic will be rerouted via Mangaldas Road, Bund Garden Road, and Dhole Patil Road. However, some frequent commuters have reported worsening congestion along these routes.

Members of the Wake Up Pune forum recently met with traffic police officials to express their dissatisfaction with the current traffic management plan. Forum leader Mohan Joshi has set a deadline of July 10 for authorities to streamline traffic movement in the area, warning that if improvements are not made, citizens will not tolerate the chaos.

Under the current diversion plan, vehicles are not allowed to turn onto Mangaldas Road from Wadia College, as this stretch operates as a one-way route from Blue Diamond Chowk to Wadia College. Vehicles traveling from Ghorpadi Road to Koregaon Park must follow a longer route via Council Hall Chowk, Inspection Bungalow Chowk, Wadia College Chowk, and Bund Garden Road, leading to increased travel times and congestion at these junctions.

Civic officials have confirmed that approvals have been received from the railways and traffic police departments to proceed with the bridge demolition. The demolition has already begun, and preparations for laying the foundation of the new bridge are underway in order to expedite construction and minimize disruption.

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