The tragic incident that took place in the Bopodi area of Pune has left the community in shock. Two beat marshals from the Khadki police station were involved in a hit-and-run accident that resulted in the loss of one life and serious injuries to another. Policeman Samadhan Koli lost his life on the spot, while his colleague Sanjog Shinde is currently receiving treatment at Ruby Hall Clinic.
The incident occurred under the Harris Bridge on the old Pune-Mumbai highway at 1:40 am when the two policemen were conducting a night patrol on their two-wheeler. A speeding four-wheeler struck them, and the driver fled the scene immediately after the accident.
The Crime Branch teams are actively searching for the suspect involved in this tragic hit-and-run. The community is urged to come forward with any information that may help in apprehending the culprit. Senior police officers are closely monitoring the situation and supporting Sanjog Shinde’s recovery at the hospital. Our thoughts are with the families and colleagues of the brave policemen affected by this unfortunate event.
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