The streets of Bopodi in Pune turned into a tragic scene in the early hours of the morning as a hit-and-run accident took the life of a dedicated policeman and left another fighting for survival. The two officers, beat marshals from Khadki police station, were on their routine patrol when a reckless driver crashed into them and fled the scene.

The impact of the collision was so severe that one of the officers, Samadhan Koli, lost his life on the spot while his colleague, Sanjog Shinde, sustained serious injuries and was rushed to Ruby Hall Clinic for emergency medical treatment. Fortunately, Shinde is now in stable condition and under the care of medical professionals.

The Additional Commissioner of Police, Praveen Patil, has stated that a case of culpable homicide is being registered against the driver responsible for this tragic incident. The authorities are actively searching for the suspect to bring them to justice for their reckless actions.

The community is in shock and mourning the loss of Officer Koli, a dedicated and brave member of the police force. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time. Let us all come together to support Officer Shinde in his road to recovery and show our appreciation for the selfless service of our law enforcement officers.

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