It was a tragic day on June 30th in Pune/Lonavala as five members of a family lost their lives after being swept away by the overflowing waters of Bhushi Dam. In response to this incident, authorities in Pune Rural Police and Lonavala Municipal Council have taken strict measures to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

One of the actions taken by the authorities is cracking down on those violating tourism rules and selling banned products like hookah and hookah materials. As a result of this crackdown, illegal goods worth Rs 2,500 were confiscated and action was taken against two sellers at Lonavala’s Tiger Point.

Forest Officer Vedika Ramrao Shirshe played a crucial role in reporting the sale of illegal products to the Vadgaon Maval Police Station. This led to a case being registered against two individuals under relevant sections of the law.

The Pune Rural Police received information about illegal products being sold near Tiger Point and conducted a raid to confiscate these items. Items like hookah glass pots and hookah flavors were seized, all worth Rs 2,500. The investigation into this matter is ongoing by Police Constable Gale from Lonavala Rural Police Station.

The entire operation was conducted under the guidance of Pune Rural Superintendent of Police Pankaj Deshmukh, along with other key officials. The team from Lonavala Rural Police Station, including Police Inspector Kishore Dhumal and Police Constables Jay Pawar and Siddeshwar Shinde, played a crucial role in carrying out these actions.

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