In a shocking turn of events in Pune, a man brutally murdered his wife, Shital Swapnil Ranpise, suspecting her character. The man, identified as Swapnil Shyamrao Ranpise, staged the murder and even lodged a complaint with the police, claiming that his wife was killed by an unidentified person.
However, the Local Crime Branch of Pune Rural Police conducted a thorough investigation and found evidence pointing towards Swapnil as the culprit. The body of Shital was discovered in their home, showing signs of strangulation and electrocution.
SP Pankaj Deshmukh took the case seriously and instructed the LCB to investigate further. The team questioned neighbours and inspected the crime scene, eventually leading to Swapnil’s confession during interrogation.
The accused, a well-educated man with a science and MBA degree, was remanded to police custody until July 10. The Shirur police are continuing their investigation into this tragic incident.
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