The tragic incident that occurred in Khadki on the Pune-Mumbai road has left the community in shock. Siddharth alias Gotya Kengar, the motorist responsible for fatally striking police constable Samadhan Anandrao Koli, was found to be under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. Kengar, along with his friends Rabin Athwal and Siddharth Lalbige, had been celebrating a friend’s birthday in the Dhanori area before the fateful crash occurred near the Bopodi subway.

Constable Koli, originally from Jalgaon, tragically lost his life in the accident, leaving his colleague Sanjog Shyam Shinde injured. The Khadki police force is mourning the loss of their fellow officer and demanding justice for the senseless tragedy caused by Kengar’s reckless driving and irresponsible behavior.

As the investigation unfolds, it is clear that driving under the influence and speeding were the leading factors in the fatal crash. The community is now calling for stricter measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future and to hold those responsible fully accountable for their actions.

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