Residents of Pune and beyond are currently in shock after falling victim to a major financial scam orchestrated by Rakesh Chaturvedi and his niece Shikha Bharadwaj. The duo is accused of running a scam known as the Chacha Bhatiji scam, which has reportedly swindled investors out of over ₹10 crores. The scheme promised high returns on investments, leading many individuals to invest their hard-earned money and even take out loans.

Investors were initially attracted to the scam due to the promise of returns higher than those offered by banks and NBFCs. However, when the promised returns failed to materialize, suspicions began to arise. Unfortunately, victims found it difficult to file complaints effectively, leading to frustration among those affected.

Supreme Court Lawyer Ashutosh Srivastava criticized the police response to the scam, stating that FIRs should be filed promptly against fraudsters. Deputy Commissioner of Police R Raja has assured the public that the matter will be thoroughly investigated and justice will be served. Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar has warned citizens to be cautious of investment schemes that offer unrealistic returns.

Despite concerns that the perpetrators may try to flee the country, senior passport officers have reassured the public that strict protocols are in place for passport issuance and international travel restrictions for individuals facing police complaints. Shikha Bharadwaj, who had previously worked at a car showroom in Uttarakhand, moved to Pune three years ago and quickly became a part of the local community. Her flashy lifestyle, including a rented flat and a Mercedes, added to her facade of financial success.

The company associated with the scam, operating under the name “Wink Cargo,” has tried to maintain a sense of legitimacy through its website, which claims industry recognition for freight forwarding services. However, authorities are warning the public to exercise caution and do their due diligence before investing in any scheme.

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