Pune Police is cracking down on drunk driving in the city after a recent increase in fatal road accidents caused by intoxicated drivers. In the last six months, a total of 1,648 individuals have been caught driving under the influence in Pune. To address this issue, Pune Police are taking a tough stance and implementing new measures.
Previously, those caught driving drunk would only face prosecution. However, under the new policy, drivers found to be under the influence of alcohol will have their license suspended for three months. Repeat offenders will face a six-month suspension, and a third offence will result in a permanent revocation of their driving license. This information was disclosed by Rohidas Pawar, Deputy Commissioner of the Traffic Branch of Pune Police.
The recent surge in accidents, many of them hit-and-run incidents, has left Pune residents feeling fearful and unsafe on the roads. Citizens have expressed their concerns about reckless drivers causing chaos and endangering lives.
Pune Police’s goal with these stricter measures is to improve road safety and restore trust among the public by cracking down on drunk driving offenses. Hopefully, these efforts will lead to a decrease in road accidents and make the streets of Pune safer for everyone.
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