In a tragic turn of events, Squadron Leader Vijaykumar Dnyaneshwar Zende, a brave Indian Air Force officer hailing from Dive, taluka Purandar, passed away at the young age of 36 due to dengue. Currently posted in Nagaland, Zende had contracted the deadly disease while on a visit to his hometown.
The final rites of the courageous officer were conducted in Dive with full state honors, as senior officials from the IAF and Indian Army, along with fellow jawans, paid their respects. Former gazetted officer Sambhajirao Zende, SDO Purandar, and other dignitaries were also present to bid farewell to the departed soul.
Squadron Leader Vijaykumar Zende had played a crucial role in various military exercises, including the Indo-Russia joint war drill. His dedication was further highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, where he was involved in the transportation of oxygen from Indonesia.
Leaving behind grieving family members, Zende is survived by his parents, wife, brother, sister, and uncle. His father, Dnyaneshwar Zende, had served in the Police Force as an SDPO before retiring.
The loss of such a valiant officer has deeply impacted the community, with thousands of people coming together to pay their respects and honor his memory. May his soul rest in peace.
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