The Maharashtra State General Administration Department has directed the Pune district collector to take legal action against Dilip Khedkar, father of probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar, for his alleged inappropriate behavior at her workplace. The GAD cited a report from the district collector, which highlighted issues such as Puja Khedkar’s request for privileges not permitted to an IAS probationary officer and her use of an amber light with a ‘Maharashtra govt’ plate on a private vehicle.

According to the report, Dilip Khedkar accompanied his daughter to her new position as assistant collector at the Pune collector’s office on June 12 and 13. He allegedly demanded special treatment for Puja Khedkar, criticized officials for not adequately preparing her office, and insisted on upgrades to the office’s electrical fittings.

The GAD letter labeled Dilip Khedkar’s behavior as ‘objectionable’ and instructed the district collector to take appropriate legal action. Dilip Khedkar has denied the allegations, stating that the Pune collector has submitted false reports to suppress the truth.

Puja Khedkar has been transferred to the district collector’s office in Washim, where she has assumed her new role. Dilip Khedkar, who recently contested the Lok Sabha elections on a Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi ticket, was unsuccessful in his bid for a parliamentary seat.

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