In a bold move to tackle encroachments and reclaim public space, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) recently carried out a massive demolition drive in Pashan. Approximately 90,000 square feet of unauthorized constructions, including furniture showrooms, hotels, and sheds along the Katraj-Dehuroad bypass, were cleared in the operation.

The focus of the demolition drive was on the east side of the bypass area, specifically targeting 11 unauthorized showrooms and hotels near the Defence Ministry’s High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL). Despite legal challenges, PMC used heavy machinery like jaw cutter machines, JCBs, gas cutters, and breakers to carry out the operation.

This proactive stance by PMC highlights their determination to enforce regulations and reclaim public land from unauthorized occupants. However, challenges with re-encroachment persist, raising concerns about the long-term effectiveness of such measures.

The recent demolition in Pashan follows earlier actions taken on the west side of the Katraj-Dehuroad bypass, demonstrating PMC’s continuous efforts to address unauthorized constructions in the area. Future plans may involve enhanced surveillance and stricter penalties for encroachers, as well as community engagement and awareness campaigns to prevent re-encroachment and preserve public infrastructure.

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