IAS officer Puja Khedkar from Pune has found herself in hot water recently after it was discovered that she had installed a red beacon on her private Audi car, a privilege reserved only for government vehicles. To add to the controversy, she had also boldly written “Maharashtra Government” on the car, raising eyebrows and questions about misuse of power.
The vehicle, reportedly belonging to a private company owned by Khedkar’s mother’s former colleague, Manorama, was found to have racked up over Rs 27,000 in fines for various traffic violations. The fines were paid off by the driver at the Nigdi Traffic Branch in Pimpri Chinchwad just yesterday.
In a surprising turn of events, the Pune Police seized the vehicle earlier today, further escalating the situation. Senior Police Inspector Shafil Pathan of the Chaturshringi Traffic Branch confirmed that the fines were indeed paid on July 12th and that the car is now in the custody of the Chaturshringi Traffic Branch for further investigation.
A recent challan obtained by Punekar News listed a total of 17 violations, including the unauthorized use of a red beacon and the Maharashtra Government sign on the car. It seems like IAS officer Puja Khedkar has some explaining to do in the coming days as the investigation unfolds.
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