The small community of Yerwada was left in shock after a tragic incident involving a 16-year-old girl named Tanisha Shantaram Manmore. The teenager reportedly took her own life by hanging herself after a party at her home, where underage drinking was involved. Tanisha’s friend who was present at the party was found unconscious and is currently receiving treatment at Sasoon Hospital.
The exact reason behind Tanisha’s suicide remains unknown, prompting the Yerwada Police to launch an investigation into the matter. Tanisha, a local college student residing in Lakshmi Nagar, lived with her mother who works as a vegetable vendor. The events leading up to the tragic incident unfolded on Monday evening when Tanisha and her friends were engaged in excessive drinking, leading to one of them losing consciousness.
The heartbreaking discovery was made by a male neighbor who was called to Tanisha’s house by one of her friends. Upon finding Tanisha hanging, he immediately notified her mother and attempted to revive her to no avail. Despite being rushed to the hospital, Tanisha was declared dead upon arrival, leaving the community in mourning.
As the investigation continues, the Yerwada Police are working to uncover the circumstances surrounding Tanisha’s death and the condition of her hospitalized friend. Senior Police Inspector Ravindra Kumar Shelke is spearheading the case to shed light on this tragic event that has left many questioning the factors that led to such a devastating outcome.
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