The controversy surrounding Puja Khedkar, a 2023-batch IAS officer of the Maharashtra cadre, has taken a dramatic turn with allegations of harassment and misuse of power against Pune District Collector Suhas Diwase. The unfolding events have captured the attention of many, shining a light on administrative tensions and procedural irregularities within the state bureaucracy.
1. Transfer and Harassment Allegations: Puja Khedkar’s recent transfer to Washim has stirred up a storm of controversy, with claims of her overstepping her authority. Sources reveal that Khedkar allegedly made demands for special privileges, such as a designated cabin and vehicle, which were seen as inappropriate for a probationary officer.
2. Police Inquiry and Legal Ramifications: The situation reached a boiling point when police officials visited Khedkar’s residence to investigate the harassment case she filed against Collector Suhas Diwase. This development highlights the seriousness of the allegations and the legal implications at play.
3. Administrative Fallout: The Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) has taken swift action in response to the allegations. Khedkar’s IAS training in Maharashtra has been temporarily suspended pending further investigation, with a deadline for her to report back to the academy by July 23, underscoring the gravity of the situation.
4. Allegations of Misconduct and Forgeries: The controversy has also brought to light allegations of misconduct, including the alleged forging of disability certificates during Khedkar’s civil services examination. These new revelations have added complexity to the investigation, raising questions about her selection process and career progression.
The ongoing saga surrounding Puja Khedkar serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and controversies that can arise within the bureaucratic system. Stay tuned as more details unfold in this developing story.
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