In a shocking turn of events, the UPSC has taken strict action against probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar for submitting fake identity proof. This has not only led to the filing of an FIR against her but also a show cause notice for the cancellation of her IAS cadre.
Aside from facing criminal charges, Khedkar is also receiving other complaints against her. Her future in the Civil Services Examination 2022 is in jeopardy as the UPSC is likely to cancel her candidature and bar her from taking any future exams.
The investigation into Khedkar’s misconduct revealed that she had changed multiple details including her name, father’s name, mother’s name, photo, signature, email ID, mobile phone number, and address. This deception has led to serious consequences for her career.
Khedkar, who was initially appointed as a probationary IAS officer in Pune, faced backlash for installing an amber lamp on her car and making unreasonable demands. This ultimately led to her transfer to Washim and suspension of her training.
Allegations of fraud also surfaced regarding her procurement of non-creamy layer and disability certificates. An inquiry conducted by the PMO and the training academy in Musoorie further uncovered discrepancies in the disability certificates obtained from Ahmednagar District Hospital.
As the investigation continues, the future of Puja Khedkar in the civil services remains uncertain. The UPSC’s actions against her serve as a reminder of the consequences of fraudulent behavior in the prestigious field of public service.
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