Hey guys, sad news coming in from Kalyani Nagar today. A 15-year-old boy, Shashwath Ram Bogade, lost his life in a tragic accident this morning. He was just riding his bicycle to school when a car driven by Ravikant Ramdin Gaur hit him in front of Mary Gold Society.
The police have detained the driver, who is a resident of Rohan Nigam Apartment in Viman Nagar. The incident happened around 8:20 am, and the authorities are currently investigating the case based on the father’s statement and CCTV footage.
Fortunately, it has been confirmed that the driver was not under the influence of alcohol. He is currently in police custody as the investigation continues. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Shashwath’s family and loved ones during this difficult time. Stay safe out there, everyone.
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