The political drama continues to unfold in Maharashtra as Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar defends himself against accusations of favoritism and mismanagement. During a recent DPDC meeting in Pune, tensions ran high as Supriya Sule criticized Pawar’s handling of fund allocation.

In a fiery speech at an NCP workers’ gathering in Pimpri-Chinchwad, Pawar hit back at Sule’s claims, stating that he would never disrespect his uncle, Sharad Pawar. He refuted allegations of excluding others from the discussion and insisted that all concerns were addressed during the meeting.

The meeting, which was overseen by Ajit Pawar and attended by Sharad Pawar, took a contentious turn when issues of untreated wastewater and fund distribution were raised. Pawar assured action against polluting factories and explained his decision to reference a Government Resolution during the fund allocation discussion.

Despite the heated exchange of words, Ajit Pawar remains adamant that he followed proper protocol and did not intend to offend anyone. As the political saga unfolds, only time will tell how this rift within the NCP will be resolved. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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