Manorama, a prominent political figure, found herself in hot water during Monday’s court proceedings. She was remanded to judicial custody after being accused of brandishing a gun at a farmer during a land dispute in Dhadawali village. Despite seeking bail, her request was denied due to concerns about her potential to tamper with evidence and evade the investigation. Manorama’s husband, Dilip Khedkar, was also implicated in the case, along with others from Ambi village in Haveli. The incident, captured on video and widely circulated on social media, led to the filing of a complaint by the aggrieved farmer, prompting a swift police investigation that resulted in the recovery of a pistol, live cartridges, and a Land Cruiser car. Meanwhile, the UPSC has taken action against Puja Khedkar for allegedly falsifying her identity to gain unfair advantages in exams. These recent events have cast a shadow over the Khedkar family’s reputation and raised questions about their conduct in both public and private matters.

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