Tragedy struck in Pune early this morning as three young individuals lost their lives to electrocution near Z Bridge on the Mutha River. The incident occurred as they were moving their food stall due to rising water levels in the river. The circumstances are still under investigation, according to Senior Police Inspector Swapnali Joshi.
The recent heavy rains have worsened the situation in Pune, with the Khadakwasla Dam reaching full capacity. The Pune administration has increased the water release rate into the Mutha River to manage rising water levels and prevent flooding. Residents along the riverbanks have been urged to be cautious.
Torrential rains on Wednesday night led to waterlogging in various parts of Pune, prompting the Fire Department to deploy boats for evacuations. The District Information Office has issued forecasts for gusty winds and moderate rain in certain areas.
District Magistrate Suhas Diwas has ordered the closure of schools in Pune and neighboring areas due to severe weather conditions. The IMD has issued a red alert for Maharashtra, predicting extremely heavy rainfall throughout the day. Stay safe and stay indoors if possible.
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