The Indian Army springs into action in Pune as heavy rainfall leads to flooding in Ekta Nagar, Anandnagar on Sinhgad Road. With the civil administration seeking urgent help, the Army dispatches a well-equipped rescue and relief team to assist the affected residents.

Comprising Infantry troops, an Engineer task force, and medical personnel, the Army’s response aims to provide immediate assistance to those in need. The Southern Command is actively monitoring the situation in coordination with local authorities and government agencies.

With a task force of around 95 personnel, including Infantry units, Engineer Regiment, and medical teams from military hospitals, the Army is prepared to handle the crisis. Additionally, the Indian Air Force is on standby to address any further emergencies that may arise.

As the situation unfolds, the Army’s swift action highlights their commitment to serving the community in times of need. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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