The heavy rainfall in Pune District has wreaked havoc on Lavasa City, with landslides causing bungalows to collapse and roads to disappear. The continuous downpour has led to power outages and missing individuals, adding to the chaos. Rescue teams are working tirelessly to locate and assist those affected by the natural disaster.

The situation in Lavasa City is dire, with more bungalows collapsing due to the intense rain. Some structures have fallen onto main roads, further complicating the rescue efforts. The disappearance of an electrician and another individual has added to the urgency of the situation, as officials work to locate them amidst the devastation.

Landslides at multiple locations have cut off Lavasa’s connection to Pune, causing traffic congestion and road damage. The road to Varasgaon has developed cracks, while a landslide near the crematorium at Padalghar has swept away part of the road. Power outages in the Aadmal area have added to the challenges faced by residents and rescue workers alike.

Despite the obstacles, rescue teams from Lavasa are working tirelessly to locate and assist those affected by the landslides. However, the presence of large mounds of mud has slowed down the rescue operations, with some rescue workers becoming stuck in waist-deep mud. The community is coming together to support those in need during this difficult time.

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