In a surprising turn of events, Pune District Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase has declared a holiday for all schools on Friday, July 26. The decision was made after consulting with the Meteorological Department and receiving input from Guardian Minister Ajit Pawar. The heavy rainfall that has been hitting the district since Wednesday prompted Guardian Minister Pawar to declare a holiday for schools and colleges on Thursday.
After discussions with the IMD, it was initially decided that there was no need for an additional holiday on Friday. However, pressure from former Guardian Minister Chandrakant Patil and ruling party representatives via social media led to a change in plans. Guardian Minister Pawar quickly arrived in Pune from Mumbai to review the situation and offer necessary directives.
State Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil also joined in advocating for a holiday through a letter to the District Collector. With all the appeals and concerns about potential confusion among parents and schools, Dr. Diwase ultimately decided to announce a holiday for all government, private, primary, and secondary schools in Pune and surrounding areas. It seems like Friday will be a day off for many students and teachers in the region.
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