Nal Stop Chowk in Karve Nagar, Pune, usually buzzing with activity from early morning till late at night, presented a rather bleak picture on Saturday, May 25. Regular visitors like Rohan Munjal were surprised to find all the food joints closed. The reason behind this sudden shutdown was the recent tragic incident in Kalyaninagar where a 17-year-old boy was involved in a fatal accident. The police have now cracked down on similar establishments that cater to the city’s young crowd.
Rohan Munjal expressed his disappointment, saying, “We used to come here every week for breakfast, but today everything is shut. I think it’s because of the Kalyani Nagar incident. This place was our go-to spot for morning meals.”
During a visit to Nal Stop Chowk by Hindustan Times, many people, especially young people, were visibly upset. A shopkeeper, speaking on the condition of anonymity, revealed, “Since the Kalyaninagar accident, the police have instructed us to keep our shops closed. We usually open at midnight and operate till 9 am.”
The closure of Nal Stop Chowk has also affected students, particularly those preparing for the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) exams. Siddharth Kamble, an MPSC aspirant, shared his disappointment, saying, “We study late into the night and used to come to Nal Stop Chowk in the morning for snacks. Now that it’s closed, we have to make our own tea. We’re eagerly waiting for the shops to reopen.”
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