In a shocking turn of events, two senior doctors from a government hospital in Pune have been arrested for allegedly tampering with the blood report of the minor accused in the drink-and-drive Porsche car crash that claimed the lives of two techies.
Dr. Ajay Taware, head of the forensics team, and Dr. Shrihari Halnor of the Blood Bank at Sassoon Hospital were taken into custody after a raid on their homes by the Yerawada Police Station. It is believed that they manipulated the blood samples of the 17-year-old boy, providing a misleading report that could impact the prosecution case and ongoing investigations.
Pune Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar revealed that a second blood test report was obtained and sent to a private hospital for analysis. Plans are in place to conduct a DNA test to verify the authenticity of the reports, as doubts have been raised regarding the initial findings.
The accused minor, son of a prominent realtor, was granted bail within 15 hours of the fatal crash in Kalyani Nagar, which claimed the lives of IT engineers Ashwini Koshta and Aneesh Awadhiya. The incident has sparked widespread outrage, with the boy currently held in a Juvenile Correctional Home, his father in judicial custody, and his grandfather in police custody.
In addition to the arrests of the two doctors, two police officers were suspended on May 24 for alleged negligence and other lapses related to the accident. Public anger continues to mount as the investigation unfolds.
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