The tragic incident in Ganesh Nagar near Bopkhel has left the community in shock, as three-and-a-half-year-old Girija Ganesh Shinde lost her life after an iron gate fell on her. The heart-wrenching incident occurred on July 31, and her father, Ganesh Shinde, took immediate action by lodging a complaint at the Dighi police station.
The case has been filed against Srinivasalu Saminareddy, the owner of Vrindavan Society, and his mother for negligence in ensuring the safety of the gate. The absence of a stopper on the gate proved to be a fatal oversight, resulting in the tragic accident that claimed Girija’s life.
The incident took place in lane number two of Ganesh Nagar, where children were playing innocently. Girija, along with her friends, was enjoying their day when the unimaginable happened. The gate, lacking a necessary safety feature, fell forward onto Girija, causing fatal injuries.
Ganesh Shinde’s demand for accountability has led to the initiation of legal action against the owners of Vrindavan Society. The Dighi Police have registered a case against them for their failure to ensure the safety of the gate, which ultimately led to the untimely death of young Girija. The accused individuals have not yet been arrested, and the investigation is ongoing.
The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring safety measures are in place in residential areas to prevent such devastating accidents from occurring. The community mourns the loss of Girija Ganesh Shinde and hopes that justice will be served in this heartbreaking case.
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