Well, things certainly got heated in Pune as Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray fired back at Union Home Minister Amit Shah in a fiery speech. Thackeray didn’t hold back, likening Shah to historical figure Ahmad Shah Abdali and questioning his commitment to Hindutva. The verbal sparring began after Shah criticized the Shiv Sena for allegedly abandoning Hindutva in favor of an alliance with Congress.
Thackeray didn’t mince words, calling out Shah for his past alliances and questioning his credibility as a Hindutva leader. He even went as far as to suggest that Shah should learn from historical figures like Shahiste Khan and not repeat their mistakes.
The tension between the two parties seems to be escalating, with Thackeray vowing to refer to Shah as Ahmed Shah Abdali from now on. It looks like the political landscape in Maharashtra is only going to get more heated as the assembly results approach. Stay tuned for more updates on this ongoing feud between the BJP and Shiv Sena.
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