Today marks the end of the Ashadha Month in Maharashtra, known as ‘Deep Amavasya’ or ‘Gatari Amavasya’. This day is celebrated by indulging in non-vegetarian foods like mutton, chicken, and fish. Food enthusiasts flocked to the markets of Pune, Mumbai, and Thane to get their hands on these items before the start of the Shravan month tomorrow.

During the Shravan month, non-vegetarian foods are considered taboo, so many people make the most of today by feasting on their favorite meats. Queues formed outside shops as people stocked up on chicken, mutton, and fish for their ‘Akhaad Party’ celebrations with friends and family.

The fish market in Ganesh Peth saw a surge in shoppers looking for Pomfret, Bombay Duck (bombil), Surmai, Prawns, and Halwa Fish. Prices for Pomfret and Surmai were on the rise due to high demand. Various types of fish from deep-sea, Gulf, Andhra Pradesh, and more were available for purchase.

The Pune Broiler Traders Associations noted a significant increase in chicken demand from hoteliers. The rates for mutton, fish, and chicken ranged from 260 to 740 rupees per kilo, with Pomfret and Surmai prices ranging from 900 to 1500 rupees per kilo.

Despite the rainy weather in the morning, the market saw a surge in shoppers later in the day as people rushed to buy their favorite meats. Plans for celebrating Gatari at tourist spots were dampened by the rain, but many still found ways to enjoy the last day of the Ashadha Month.

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