The families of the two young IT engineers from Madhya Pradesh who tragically lost their lives in a Porsche Taycan accident on May 19 are now concerned about the possibility of evidence tampering. Om Prakash, Aneesh Awadhiya’s father, mentioned that the Maharashtra police initially did not cooperate and even harassed their families mentally. However, he is now hopeful that the investigation is moving in the right direction, despite ongoing attempts to destroy evidence and influence witnesses.

There are reports suggesting that the blood sample of the minor accused in the case may have been switched, raising further concerns for the families. Suresh Koshta, Ashwini’s father, echoed Om Prakash’s sentiments and stressed the importance of conducting the investigation under Supreme Court supervision to ensure that justice is served. He emphasized that tampering with evidence could potentially lead to a situation where the incident is denied altogether.

The tragic accident took place in the early hours of May 19 in Kalyaninagar, Pune, when a Porsche Taycan driven by a 17-year-old collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the deaths of Aneesh and Ashwini, both hailing from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. The families are now preparing to seek justice for their loved ones after performing the 13th-day ritual on June 2. They are urging for a swift completion of the investigation and a prompt presentation of the chargesheet to ensure that justice is served without any delays.

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