From Maharashtra to the United States, the traditional art form of Dhol Tasha is gaining popularity in American cities like Boston and Baltimore. The ISW Symphony Dhol Tasha Lezim group, founded by volunteers from the India Society of Worcester, has quickly grown to over 65 members and has performed at various venues, bringing people together through the powerful sound of Dhol Tasha.

What sets the ISW group apart is their inclusive approach, blending traditional Maharashtrian rhythms with beats from other regions of India. This diversity resonates with the community they represent, as men, women, children, and seniors all come together to create something special.

In Maryland, the Avartan Dhol Tasha Barchi Dhwaj pathak, established by members of the Baltimore Marathi Mandal, has also become a beacon for the art form. With their Pune-inspired approach and flair for innovation, they have grown from a small group to 40 enthusiastic performers.

Across the U.S., in cities like Redmond, Dallas, New Jersey, and Albany, new Dhol Tasha groups are forming, each bringing their unique spin to this traditional art. The common goal among these groups is to connect communities through the unifying rhythm of Dhol Tasha.

As Dhol Tasha continues to spread across the American landscape, these groups are bringing people together and creating a vibrant cultural movement that transcends borders.

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