The city of Pune is reeling from a recent tragedy that has led to a crackdown on underage drinking in pubs and clubs. Following an incident where a 17-year-old caused the death of two software engineers while under the influence of alcohol, authorities have ramped up enforcement of Maharashtra’s legal drinking age of 25.

Entrepreneur Chirag Barjatya took to social media to share videos of empty clubs and pubs in Pune, noting that high school and college students are no longer being allowed entry. The once vibrant nightlife scene in Pune has now become noticeably quieter as establishments tighten their age verification processes.

The tragic incident occurred on May 19 when a minor spent a large sum of money at a pub before getting behind the wheel and fatally striking two pedestrians. This heartbreaking event has prompted clubs to check IDs more rigorously and deny entry to those under the legal drinking age. The new measures have been widely acknowledged on social media, with many users confirming the stricter enforcement.

While some individuals view these changes as necessary for public safety, others remain skeptical about the long-term effectiveness of the crackdown. Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar clarified that the minor was fully aware of his actions at the time of the incident, emphasizing that they were in their senses and understood the potential consequences of their behavior.

The minor has been placed in an observation home until June 5, and his father and grandfather have also been arrested in connection with the case. Additionally, six individuals associated with the club where the minor was served alcohol have been arrested, including the owner, managers, and staff of Cosie and Blak club. The incident has sparked a city-wide conversation about underage drinking and the responsibility of establishments serving alcohol.

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