The controversy over the height of the pedestrian bridge at Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Garden Metro Station on JM Road in Pune continues to escalate. Ganesh Mandals are concerned that the low height of the bridge, at just 17 feet, could pose obstacles during the immersion procession. This has led to Ganesh Mandals submitting a written statement to Additional CP Patil expressing their worries.
Traditionally, chariots used in the Visarjan procession are 25 to 30 feet high, which could prove challenging to pass through the pedestrian bridge. Despite previous protests and discussions with metro authorities, it seems that the height of the bridge cannot be increased. Ganesh Mandals have already had to reduce the height of their chariots at Khanduji Baba Chowk due to a similar issue with a metro bridge.
The Ganesh Mandals are now voicing their dissatisfaction with the height of the pedestrian bridge at Chhatrapati Sambhaji Garden Metro Station, as it could potentially disrupt the flow of the immersion procession. The controversy over the height of the bridge is likely to continue as the Visarjan procession approaches.
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