In a shocking case in Pune, a 70-year-old retired government employee has been sentenced to 20 years of hard labour and a fine of Rs 10,000 for sexually harassing a schoolgirl. The incident took place on October 31, 2019, when the accused lured a seven-year-old girl to a housing project site where he sexually harassed her. The brave girl informed her mother about the incident, leading to the arrest of the accused.
Special Judge KP Kshirsagar presided over the case at the Vishrantwadi Police Station, where the accused was presented in court via video link. The girl, in her testimony, identified the accused as “the uncle with the dog” who had harassed her. Special Public Prosecutor Nitin Konghe represented the government and highlighted the severity of the crime, emphasizing that the accused should face severe punishment despite being a senior citizen.
The court ordered the Pune District Legal Services Authority to provide compensation to the young victim under the Protection of Civil Rights Act of 1955. The court noted that the accused had no enmity with the victim’s family and concluded that he had committed the heinous act for his own pleasure. The verdict serves as a reminder that justice will be served in cases of sexual harassment, regardless of the age of the perpetrator.

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