The Porsche incident in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar has sparked controversy and criticism towards the Pune police and the Maharashtra State Government. Wadgaon Sheri MLA from the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Sunil Tingre, has come under fire, with the opposition accusing him and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar of trying to suppress the case.

However, Pawar has defended his government’s actions, stating that they are taking the case seriously and ensuring that justice is served. He denied any attempts to cover up the incident and emphasized that the police and state government are working diligently to hold the accused accountable.

Pawar also addressed the quick bail granted to the minor accused, stating that it was a decision made by the court and not influenced by the government. He highlighted the suspension of negligent police officers and guilty hospital staff as evidence of the government’s commitment to addressing the issue.

In response to allegations of pressure from Tingre, Pawar stated that the MLA did not interfere and that it is common for elected officials to visit the scene of such incidents in their constituencies. He assured the public that all relevant parties are taking the matter seriously and conducting thorough investigations to ensure justice is served.

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