In a tragic turn of events, a man in Varandha Ghat sent a chilling message to his wife stating his intention to commit suicide. The local police were quickly alerted and organized a rescue team to locate him at the specified location. However, upon arriving, they found only his abandoned vehicle.
With the help of district officials and volunteers, the police discovered that the man had jumped from a bridge into the river below. After an extensive search, his body was found downstream in the Varandha Ghats.
The body was brought to Bhor for an autopsy and later handed over to the family for the last rites. The police have filed an accidental death report and are investigating the reasons behind the man’s decision to take his own life.
Initial questioning revealed that the man and his wife had a significant argument before he left in anger and ultimately ended his life in Raigad district. He leaves behind his wife and two young daughters.
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