1. Primary education in Maharashtra is facing a crisis according to Mahesh Sarote, a representative of a teachers’ association. He expressed frustration over the government’s failure to address unresolved issues in the sector.
  2. One of the main concerns raised by protesting teachers is the decision to eliminate positions in some schools and replace them with retired teachers on a contract basis. This move is believed to be harming the learning environment for students.
  3. Another contentious issue is the exclusion of students without Aadhar cards from key educational benefits, such as teacher pool determination. Many children are unable to obtain Aadhar cards due to a lack of birth certificates, leading to concerns about the government’s policy potentially closing down and privatizing local body-run primary schools.
  4. In response to these grievances, a meeting of primary teachers’ associations was held in Pune. It was decided that teachers will wear black armbands starting Thursday as a form of protest. Furthermore, on September 25, all teachers will go on leave and participate in district-level demonstrations.
  5. Teachers are demanding immediate action to address their concerns and reverse policies that they believe are putting the state’s primary education system at risk. The situation is escalating, and it remains to be seen how the government will respond to these calls for change.

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