With Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Pune just around the corner, the Pune District Collector, Dr. Suhas Diwase, has made a bold move by announcing a ban on private aerial activities. The ban, set to take effect from midnight on September 25 until 11:59 PM on September 26, covers not only Pune but also Pimpri-Chinchwad and rural areas within the district.

The ban includes a wide range of aerial activities, such as paragliding, hot air balloon safaris, drones, microlight airplanes, and other private flights. Those who choose to defy the ban will face legal consequences under Section 223 of the Indian Civil Aviation Security Code 2023, as stated in the official order.

This decision highlights the district administration’s dedication to maintaining law and order during the Prime Minister’s visit. It emphasizes the importance of creating a secure environment for high-profile individuals and ensuring public safety. Residents and visitors are encouraged to adhere to these restrictions to help guarantee a smooth and safe event for all involved.

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