The Kalyani Nagar accident in Pune has left the city in shock as the minor accused and his mother, Shivani Agarwal, have refused to cooperate with the police investigation. The incident, which resulted in the deaths of two youths, occurred when the minor was driving a luxury Porsche at high speed and collided with a motorcycle.

Despite being interrogated by the Crime Branch team in front of the Juvenile Justice Board at Yerwada, the minor could not provide clear details of the accident, claiming he could not remember. Child protection officers and his mother were present during the questioning, but the minor’s lack of cooperation has hindered the investigation.

In an effort to gather more information, the police sought permission to question the minor in the presence of his parents. Shivani Agarwal was brought in for questioning and was asked about various aspects of the case, including the events leading up to the accident and the accuracy of blood sample records. However, both the minor and his mother remained uncooperative during the interrogation.

Police officials expressed frustration at the vague answers provided by the minor and the evasive responses from Shivani Agarwal. The investigation into the tragic accident continues, but the lack of cooperation from the accused and his mother has made it challenging for the authorities to uncover the truth behind the incident.

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