The town of Hadapsar was rocked by a disturbing incident involving the sexual assault of a schoolgirl that led to the confiscation of a school van by the Pune Police. In a shocking turn of events, activists from the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi (VBA) expressed their outrage by vandalizing the van, resulting in a case being filed against nine individuals associated with the VBA. Among those charged are Vishal Kasbe, Dharmaraj Yadav Landge, Milind Haridas Sarawade, Vishal Wanjari, and Sachin Bhadakwad. The incident was reported by Police Constable Jyotiba Kurale from Wanowrie Police Station to the Hadapsar Police Station.
The perpetrator behind the assault on the six-year-old girl was identified as Sanjay Jeting Reddy, a 45-year-old resident of Hadapsar, who was promptly arrested by Wanowrie Police. The van involved in the crime was seized and moved to a secure location, but this did not stop VBA activists from expressing their anger by pelting stones at the vehicle and causing further damage. The Hadapsar police are currently conducting an investigation into the matter to bring justice to the victim and ensure the safety of all schoolchildren in the area.
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