In a major political upset, BJP’s Murlidhar Mohol emerged victorious in the Pune Lok Sabha seat, defeating Congress candidate Ravindra Dhangekar by a substantial margin of over one lakh votes. Mohol’s lead in key areas like Parvati and Kothrud proved to be crucial in securing his win.
The election was closely contested between Mohol and Dhangekar, with the former taking the lead early on and maintaining it throughout the counting process. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal campaigning in Pune and the support of various BJP leaders, including Devendra Fadnavis, contributed to Mohol’s success.
On the other hand, Dhangekar’s campaign failed to sustain its initial momentum, leading to his defeat. Despite his confidence in overcoming Mohol’s influence, the final results told a different story.
Mohol’s victory is seen as a significant achievement in his political career, which has been marked by various leadership roles in the Pune Municipal Corporation and other organizations. His win is a testament to his strong support base and effective campaign strategy.
Overall, Mohol’s win in the Pune Lok Sabha seat is a clear indication of the shifting political landscape in the region, with the BJP consolidating its position and securing key victories.
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