Pune was hit with a major power outage today after a heavy rainfall, affecting areas such as Porwal Road, Dhanori, Viman Nagar, Kalyani Nagar, and Wadgaonsheri. The IMD reported that Wadgaonsheri received a whopping 114.5 mm of rain in just a few hours, leading to severe waterlogging in low-lying areas.
The MSEDCL Public Relations Officer, Nishikant Raut, mentioned that the heavy rain and waterlogging caused widespread power outages. While some areas have already regained electricity, restoration work is being delayed in Porwal Road and Dhanori due to the intense rainfall. Raut assured that efforts are being made to restore power in all affected areas before midnight.
Residents expressed frustration on social media, with one resident from Viman Nagar complaining about the lack of electricity for over two hours. Another IT professional, Jay Sutar, shared his struggle of working from home during the power outage and facing heavy traffic due to the rain.
The situation remains tense as residents eagerly await the restoration of power in the affected areas. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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