Heavy rainfall wreaked havoc in Pune city, particularly in Wadgaonsheri, where a record-breaking 114.4 mm of rain fell in just a few hours. The downpour led to severe waterlogging in various areas, including Alpha Society in Kalyani Nagar, prompting residents to call on the PMC for help. Dr. Anupam Kashyapi warned of flash floods and urged residents to stay vigilant.
The chaos spread citywide, with reports of waterlogging in Dhanori, Padmavati, Pune Satara Road, and Kalyani Nagar. A Jaguar car was even stranded under a bridge in Kalyani Nagar due to the flooding, highlighting the lack of proper drainage infrastructure. The incident underscores the need for improved urban planning and disaster preparedness.
As Pune residents clean up after the deluge, authorities must address drainage issues and work to strengthen the city’s resilience against future disasters. Collaboration between civic bodies and citizens is essential to mitigate the impact of such catastrophic events and ensure the safety of all residents.
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