Kothrud has emerged as the new power centre for the Bharatiya Janata Party in Pune, marking a significant shift from the traditional stronghold of the Kasba assembly constituency. With key political figures like Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs, former Union Ministers, Guardian Ministers, and existing ministers all based in Kothrud, it is clear that the party’s influence has moved to this area.
The transition began with Minister Chandrakant Patil’s candidacy in the October 2019 elections, which led to his election as MLA and subsequent appointment as the guardian minister of Pune district. This shift in power was further solidified after the passing of former MP Girish Bapat, with current MP Murlidhar Mohol hailing from Kothrud.
Prominent figures like former Kothrud MLA Prof. Dr Medha Kulkarni and former Union Minister Prakash Javadekar also call Kothrud home, further establishing the constituency as the new epicentre of BJP influence in Pune. The party’s operations have shifted from various locations in the city to Kothrud, with plans to establish a permanent office space in the area.
The move to Kothrud reflects the BJP’s commitment to maintaining a strong presence in the city and solidifying its position as a major political force in Pune.
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