The Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident that shook Pune has brought to light some shocking revelations. The minor accused, who was reportedly drunk at the time of the accident, was granted bail within just 15 hours of being taken into custody. This leniency in the judicial system has sparked outrage across the nation.

In addition to the minor’s swift release, the pubs and clubs where he was served alcohol before the tragic incident have also come under scrutiny. Pune District Collector Dr Suhas Diwase has taken strict action by suspending the licenses of several establishments, pending a hearing to determine if they will be reinstated.

The public outcry and criticism from politicians have prompted Meenal Sarwade, a former PMC corporator, to write a letter to Dr Diwase. In her letter, Sarwade emphasizes the need to consider the residents of Kalyani Nagar as stakeholders in this matter. She has called for a transparent process that allows citizens to voice their concerns before any decisions are made regarding the reinstatement of bar licenses.

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