Pune is facing some serious issues following heavy rains, with residents bearing the brunt of the damage. MP Medha Kulkarni has called for urgent action to compensate those affected and prepare for the upcoming monsoon season. The recent rains have caused significant damage, leaving many communities in distress, especially the elderly, mothers, and children impacted by water intrusion.
In a separate incident, BJP spokesman Kunal Tilak, son of former mayor Mukta Tilak, faced extreme traffic congestion while trying to reach the airport from Sangamwadi for a late-night flight. His experience highlighted the urgent need for improved infrastructure and swift action by authorities to address such issues promptly.
MP Kulkarni criticized the Pune Municipal Corporation for negligence and malpractice, blaming it for the city’s current dire situation. She pointed out the shortcomings in emergency response and support systems, calling for immediate steps to address the damage caused by the recent rains and to prepare for future monsoons.
Her recommendations to the PMC Commissioner include taking action against unauthorized constructions, organizing and cleaning rainwater drains, increasing riverbed depth, clearing blocked drains, enforcing rainwater harvesting, and maintaining the expected drain width to prevent waterlogging and minimize losses for citizens. These measures are crucial to prevent similar incidents in the future and ensure the safety and well-being of Pune’s residents.
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