Get ready to be awestruck at this year’s Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at the Shreemant Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati Mandir in Pune. The trust, in collaboration with Suvarnayug Tarun Mandal, is set to unveil a detailed replica of the Jatoli Shiv Mandir from Himachal Pradesh. This marks the 132nd year of the trust’s public Chaturthi celebration, and they are pulling out all the stops to make it a memorable event.

The inauguration ceremony for the decoration department took place at Hirabaug Kothi, with art directors Aman Vidhate and Dipali Vidhate leading the way. The event was graced by prominent guests, including the trust’s Vice President Sunil Rasane and Treasurer Mahesh Suryavanshi, among others.

The Jatoli Shiv Mandir is a sight to behold, with its unique South-Dravidian architectural style and towering height of 111 feet. The replica for Ganesh Chaturthi will be just as impressive, standing at 125 feet in length and 50 feet in width. Crafted using fiber and embellished with intricate paintings, the replica promises to capture the grandeur of the original temple.

The artistic direction of the replica is in good hands, with Aman Vidhate overseeing the process. Vaikar Bandhu will handle the lighting arrangements, while Kale Mandawale will manage the pavilion setup. Together, they are ensuring that the replica not only replicates the Jatoli Shiv Mandir but also enhances the overall festive experience for visitors.

This initiative by the Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati Trust is not just about celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi; it’s about bridging cultural gaps and fostering a deeper appreciation for India’s diverse religious landmarks. So mark your calendars and get ready to witness the splendor of the Jatoli Shiv Mandir right here in Pune.

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