If you’ve been stuck in traffic in Pune recently, you’re not alone. But fear not, because the Pune police are taking action to tackle the issue head-on. Since Wednesday, they’ve filed a whopping 14 cases against individuals and businesses obstructing public pathways. This includes those pesky illegally parked vehicles, hand carts, and fast food stalls that seem to pop up everywhere.

These cases were filed in various areas like Parvati, Uttamnagar, Kothrud, and Bharati Vidyapeeth under Section 285 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. And if you’re convicted under this section, you could be facing a hefty penalty of ₹5,000. Ouch!

But wait, there’s more. Additional Commissioner of Police (East Region) Manoj Patil is not messing around. He’s not only relying on legal action but also roped in the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to assist in clearing out these encroachments. And guess what? The PMC has the power to impose even heavier penalties than the police. So, watch out!

Patil has made it clear that this crackdown isn’t just a one-time thing. The police are going all out along 32 key roads in the city to ensure smoother movement. From Solapur Road to Ganeshkhind Road, no encroachment will be left untouched. According to Patil, these encroachments not only disrupt pedestrian movement but also cause major traffic snarls during rush hours.

A recent citywide survey revealed the extent of the problem, with encroachments taking up precious road and pavement space. While some were temporarily cleared during the elections, the focus now is on sustained action in collaboration with the PMC. So, if you’re thinking of blocking a public pathway in Pune, think again. The Pune police mean business!

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