It was a regular morning for an elderly woman in Hadapsar until a thief approached her with a cunning plan. Posing as a government official distributing benefits under the Ladki Bahin Yojana, the thief managed to steal gold ornaments worth Rs 80,000 from the unsuspecting woman. The incident, which took place three days ago, has left the woman shaken and the police on high alert.

According to the woman’s complaint, the thief stopped her while she was on her way out of the area and spun a tale about distributing money under the Ladki Bahin Yojana. Claiming that women were entitled to Rs 5,000, the thief convinced the woman to remove her mangalsutra and ring as a part of the process. Seizing the opportunity when the woman was distracted, the thief swiftly made off with the gold ornaments, leaving the woman shocked and helpless.

This incident is just one among many scams targeting women in the city, with criminals using false promises of free money, sarees, and other benefits to deceive their victims. Just recently, a similar case was reported in the Swargate area, where thieves managed to steal Rs 40,000 worth of gold ornaments from another woman under similar pretences.

In light of these incidents, the police are urging the public, especially women, to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to authorities immediately. It’s crucial to stay alert and wary of strangers making enticing offers, as falling prey to such scams can have devastating consequences. Stay safe and keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior in your area.

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