Fish lovers in Pune are in for some good news as the prices of Surmai have dropped significantly in the local fish market. On the other hand, prawns, pomfret, and Bombay duck prices have surged, making it a mixed bag for seafood enthusiasts.

The Ganesh Peth fish market recently witnessed a boost in fish supplies, with a variety of deep-sea, creek, and river fish making their way to the stalls. This influx of fish has led to a drop in Surmai prices, making it more accessible to the public.

However, the prices of prawns, pomfret, and Bombay duck have seen a 10% increase due to fluctuating supply levels and seasonal demand. Despite this, fish market officials are working hard to maintain stability in prices and meet the demand for these popular varieties of fish.

Other meat options like mutton and chicken have also seen their prices remain steady, offering consumers a range of choices at the market. Overall, the fish market in Pune continues to be a bustling hub of activity, with new arrivals and changing price trends keeping things interesting for seafood lovers in the city.

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