Hey folks, it’s time for an update on the Bopdev Ghat gang rape case in Pune. The police have been hard at work and have finally submitted a chargesheet against two suspects, Chandrakumar Raviprasad Kanaujia and Shoaib alias Akhtar Babu Shaikh. The chargesheet is a hefty one, with over 500 pages of evidence backing it up.

The statements of the survivor and her friend, who witnessed the attack, have been recorded and included in the chargesheet. It looks like the police are leaving no stone unturned in this investigation.

But hold on, the third suspect is still on the loose. Shoaib Shaikh, the alleged ringleader, has quite a rap sheet himself, with multiple criminal cases filed against him in Pune district. This guy seems to have a knack for trouble.

The chargesheet was filed just in time, within the mandated 60 days. The court proceedings are moving forward, with the suspects’ detention extended for another two weeks. Looks like things are heating up in this case.

And get this, Shaikh tried to pull a fast one on the police by using fake identification documents. But the cops were one step ahead and seized his two Aadhaar cards during the investigation. Nice try, buddy.

The police have been busy gathering witness statements and evidence, including testimonies from the suspects’ workplace and local paan kiosks. It seems like they’re building a solid case against the accused.

While the investigation is ongoing, the police are determined to track down the third suspect and ensure that justice is served swiftly. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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